Mother's Day 2017
You know the quote "comparison is the thief of joy", I'm sure you've heard it. Well, I really have been cracking down on my thoughts and making sure I remind myself of that quote as much as I can. It's so easy to get caught up in the highlight reel people show online or in wanting material things, newer and better and just MORE overall. But those things don't really matter, I remind myself all the time.
Too often and more than I care to admit, I have set too high and unrealistic expectations on holidays. I have wanted what I thought was a picture perfect day and that includes past Mother's Days. I made it a point this year to have no expectations and just to be so grateful I get to spend the day with my family. That's what this holiday is really about. And you know what? It wasn't even noon yet and I had tears in my eyes of how thankful I am for the family my husband and I have created. I am so thankful I get to be a mother after our battle of infertility. I am so thankful for my daughters.

I woke up and went to get breakfast at McDonalds. It's so fancy. You're jealous, I know it. But what's better than not having to make breakfast? Not having to clean it up. Also, a quiet drive with no kids in the car, haha! I had Ken take pictures of me and the girls, something I'd like to do every year on Mother's Day. I also opened the gift and card Ken got me. I've been wanting a new diaper bag for-ev-er now and dreaming of a Coco & Kiwi bag and he totally surprised me with it. After tons of hints and links sent his way of course ;) I even signed him up for the email alerts for when the Providence bag would be restocked, haha! Subtle is something I never claim to be.

Yesterday I went to a bridal shower for my might-as-well-be sister (best friend of 14+ year's sister, so that makes her kind of mine too, right?) When I got home my wrapped gifts were on the table and Adia was insistent that I open them NOW. I decided to open the smaller of the two and save the bigger box for Mother's Day morning. I'm a nerd and love Harry Potter and have been searching all the Target stores in the area for the Nimbus tee shirt and Ken managed to score me one! I'm so excited about it! My #momiform basically consists of graphic tees and leggings/yoga pants. Basically every mom's lounge attire.
Overall, this year was the best Mother's Day yet. I think reminding myself that my girls and husband are all that matters really helped me enjoy my day. It was just another day with a few gifts added in, and to me that's what being a mom is all about. The average and normal days all added up create this awesome journey that is motherhood. I'm just glad I get to experience it with my people. I hope all you mothers out there had a great day!