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August in Review

Oh, August. To put it lightly, the past two months have been a doozy for my family. It started with the end of July. I was having stomach pains and went to the emergency room thinking I just needed an IV of fluids to rehydrate myself and I'd be on my merry way. Wrong. I wound up being admitted and had emergency gallbladder surgery (and a procedure before they could even operate.) An outpatient procedure turned into a 5 day stay due to a few complications after surgery. It was rough to say the least. Luckily my mom flew up to stay for a few days to help out as I recovered and my husband went back to work. That was the start of August for us. Later this month, I also noticed my arm was very sore. After some testing, the doctors discovered a small blood clot which is most likely the result of my IV from the hospital stay. I get to avoid blood thinners for now and am keeping an eye on its status. 

While I was in the hospital our dryer broke. WHY ME. We were line drying our clothes and taking some laundry to my in-law's house also. That was fixed within a few days thank goodness. In the meantime, the girls got sick. They were both congested miserable messes. My oldest had her 2.5 year old checkup - she's growing perfectly and is a healthy and happy little girl! 

During all this, we were planning on listing our house for sale. My hospital stay pushed that back a week. We've had it on the market less than 3 weeks now and were planning an open house for this past weekend. Until the construction started. The county we live in was planning construction that we weren't given all the details about. They are still in the process but long story short, they are tearing up our driveway to build an all new storm water infiltration system. Great in the long run, not so great when you're trying to amp up curb appeal and there's a fleet of construction vehicles in your front yard. Oy vey! 

This month wasn't all bad. I started a very part time job this month. Mostly to get out of the house a bit and add to our spending money. It's refreshing having adult conversations for a few hours a week - a nice break from discussing the kids' pooping habits and dishing out endless snacks, haha. #SAHMlife.  My husband and I went on an impromptu date and it was the best one we've had in a while. We dined at a nearby restaurant and tried a few local brews. We took the kids to the book store to add to our bedtime reading collection, spent good quality time together, soaked up as much of the remaining days of summer we could, and got to meet and pet an elephant at the zoo! Of course we celebrated World Elephant Day too, we do every year!  All in all, I'm ready for this month to be over and this black cloud following us to be gone. How was your August and summer? 


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