Bad Moments, Good Days
Is it just me or does it sometimes seem like everyone is on an opposite schedule than you? I don't mean like a routine type schedule but a vibe type one... hear me out.
To me it always seems like the days I have a great day everyone else around me has a not so great one. The days I have terrible days, everyone I know is having a great day. It's like one extreme or the other has to happen, the universe doesn't like us all on the same day.
Since becoming a mom I've noticed I both have more patience and also a shorter fuse. I'm not entirely sure how that makes sense, I blame tiny humans terrorizing me sometimes with their ear piercing shrieking whine sessions and nighttime sleep strikes. I also can channel inner patience I didn't know existed when the crocodile tears start and I can just sense extra love and attention is needed. Motherhood is a giant contradiction filled with endless love and sacrifice.

On the days I lose my cool, become monster mama and yell as much as they do, it can be hard to reel it in and reassess the situation and my attitude. I saw this quote online last year when I was having a moment of letting one small thing "ruin" my day. That's the thing, I let tiny silly things ruin my day. I have the power to let something ruin an otherwise mundane but good day. The quote is "was it a bad day? Or was it a bad 5 minutes you milked all day?" Woah. Let that sink in. Who's guilty of this? I know I am. The first time I read that I instantly changed my thinking. It truly was a bad few minutes but I was allowing myself to wallow in it for far too long. I almost instantly snapped out of the funk I was in.
Lately I've been noticing I've been slipping more and not controlling my thoughts and failing to keep them positive. It's something I've been trying to be more conscious of. Is it something you struggle with too? What do you do to pull yourself out of a funky mood? Do you have any tips or tricks that help keep the challenging time in that moment and not carry it with you throughout the day? I'd love to hear!