Public Meltdowns
It's been about 6+ months since my last oil change. I know, I know. Life has been hectic and in all fairness, I don't put a ton of miles on my car. Seriously, it's almost 3 years old and I think it has just over 15,000 miles. Why am I telling you this? Because it all started with me feeling brave and taking both kids with me to get my oil changed. The receptionist said it'd be a maximum of a 45 minute wait. It was about 2 hours before nap time. I thought that was plenty of time to avoid cranky kids. I thought wrong. 45 minutes turned into an hour and 35 minutes. I'm sure they were busy. I try to be understanding. I forgot to bring toys for distraction #rookiemommove. I swear it's like my kids heard the lady say 45 minutes because once that clock hit exactly 45 minutes, the meltdowns and whining began.

Normally I'd stress out and worry about what people we're thinking of my parenting during tantrums. I recently read a quote from Kristen Bell (aka who I want to be when I grow up) and she said such wise words. Kristen said "if my child is acting a fool in the grocery store, the embarrassment is on her. In truth, that shouldn't make me feel a certain way." Yessss! I remind myself of this all the time now and honestly it's greatly reduced how much I stress about a public tantrum. Add to that the fact that the workers knew I had kids and kept delaying my service so I kind of embraced the meltdowns. My youngest threw the greatest fit yet complete with throwing herself backwards multiple times and rolling around like a cat in a field of catnip. Of course the setting of this outburst was on the disgusting and rarely mopped floor.

I'm not sure how we made it out alive. I did apologize to the workers when my daughter's screeches reached high decibels. I mean, she was making it nearly impossible for the receptionist to answer the phone #welometomylife. The workers witnessing my youngest's hysterics all were sympathetic and understood, sharing their own kid's tantrum stories. It was such a relief to not feel embarrassed or any sort of way about the scene she caused. I took both kids outside to calm down a bit and walked around the parking lot with them. Once we went back inside more whining began but luckily we were able to hightail it out of there not long after. Moral of the story: you're kid is only embarrassing their self with their meltdowns. If you can, save auto appointments for when you don't have to take the kids. If you have to take the kids, don't forget the toys (all the auto shop had was coloring books, that distraction didn't last long.) Over an hour to myself sitting around doing nothing would've been great, haha!