6 Tips on Keeping Your Mama Sanity (& Raising a Decent Kid)
As a mom in 2017, I'm bombarded with articles and books on how to raise my children properly. If you're a mom, I'm sure you can relate. Society adds all this extra pressure on how to be the perfect parent and raise perfect children. It's enough to drive anyone insane. I decided to list a realistic way to keep your sanity and hopefully raise a kind, good hearted kid. Don't take my word for it though, I've only been a mom for 2.5 years. There is still plenty of time for this to backfire, LOL. Kidding, sort of...

Always start each day with a hug.
I firmly believe starting each day with a good snuggle session, or at the very least a hug, really sets the tone for the day. Who doesn't love a good hug? They always make me feel better. I'm pretty sure kids who are hugged regularly don't wind up totally insane adults.Â
Get down on their level to explain bad behavior.
I want to preface this one with the fact that sometimes a mama raises her voice.  I do it, I bet you might too. I have noticed if I calmly get down on my daughters' levels and explain why the behavior is wrong I almost always get a better response. They definitely are more receptive to what I have to say when I try that approach. Plus no #momguilt for raising your voice. I call that a win.Â
Teach them to apologize.
Saying you're sorry goes a long way. Same goes with admitting you're wrong. I always have my girls apologize when they decide not to share, aggressively take toys off each other, or when their sisterly disagreements get too physical and someone winds up with a bruise and tears. I also apologize to them when I'm the one who is wrong. They learn by example.Â
Teach them to be a good loser.
Too many people these days are smug winners and terrible losers. I want to instill in my girls that there will be times they win and times they lose, but all that really matters is how they act in each scenario. Congratulate the winner, tell the person who lost they did a great job. Be kind. Don't demand a trophy just for showing up. If you're not first, you're last. (I'm totally kidding! Good job no matter what, kid!) Bonus points if you can name that movie.
Make time for yourself. Seriously.Â
Who were you before kids? Did you love to shop? Were you into board games? Were you outdoorsy? Are sports your thing? I struggle with making time for myself without feeling guilty about it. I love to read and try to read at least one book a week. I also indulge in a glass (or a few) of wine each week. Make yourself move up a little on the priority list. You can't pour from an empty cup, yada yada. It's true though. Time away does a mama good.
Don't take life too seriously.
Kids keep us young. Pick your battles and don't take yourself or life too seriously. The best memories are made when a mama says 'yes' instead of 'no'. Ice cream for dinner? Sure, once in a blue moon won't hurt. Playing in the mud? You bet! Staying up past bedtime to catch lightening bugs? FUN! Laugh a little more. Enjoy where you're at in life. Easier said than done, I know. I'm trying too! I'm the queen of not going with the flow.Â
I made this list to remind myself to be okay with what each day brings. Start the day with a good tone and maybe the rest of the day will follow the lead. I know all too well how chaos can start in an instant and anxiety and getting upset can happen almost immediately. Sometimes you've gotta "clock out" when daddy gets home or take a break whenever you can. Deep breaths, we're in this together. I can promise everyone is going through the same stuff you are. If I've learned anything since becoming a mama it's that parenthood is the most humbling experience EVER. What tips do you have for keeping your sanity in the thick of it? I'm sure I have more but can't think of any at the moment.Â