Mug Love Exchange
Each year, usually near the holiday season, I partake in some sort of gift exchange (sometimes a few.) I think it's a fun way to brighten someones day and who doesn't love getting mystery happy mail too? This year I know I won't be able to do multiple. With our upcoming move and the holidays right around the corner (Thanksgiving is less than 60 days away. Say whaaaat?!) I knew I'd be limited on my gift exchanges. I wanted to make the one I did a good one. And boy did I choose wisely.

Stephanie, of Wife Mommy Me, hosted this awesome mug exchange. Click here for more info. If you aren't already following her you definitely need to! She paired participants up so we could exchange our likes, dislikes, favorite things, and our basic information. My partner Karyn hit it out of the park with this package. I love everything in it. She even included the cutest coloring kits and a book of stickers for my daughters. Awww! Talk about thinking of everything!

I love the handmade box and the halloween dish towels. She added some fridge magnets and cute stationary notes, uhhh favorite! The star of the show is the gorgeous peacock mug! I'd say this year's gift exchange was a success. I can't wait to participate again. Maybe even run my own! ;) Is a gift exchange something you'd be interested in? Let me know!