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Compliments to the Saint

Being a mom is hard. Being a stay at home mom is hard. Being a working mom is hard. Momming is hard in general. Juggling everything from running the household to your children's needs and everything in between is exhausting. I'm taking the stance that moms need reminded more than just on Mother's Day that they are appreciated and their endless work is noticed. It's easy to get caught up in motherhood and feel like you've lost yourself. A little reminder of how great you are really goes a long way. Sometimes a mom just needs to feel seen for more than her daily duties of wiping snot and butts. Sometimes she needs told how great she is for her daily duties of wiping snot and butts, especially since I bet she winds wearing snot or worse!

We recently had family visiting from out of town and staying with us. I should add that the day before they came to visit, my youngest got her 1 year old vaccines (cue the extra dose of sensitive Sally and cranky Cathy) and the days that followed, little to no naps happened. Yikes. I don't know about yours but my kids thrive on their routine. We LOVED having our family with us and can't wait for their next visit but my girls confused when they left. All the excitement and extra attention was a dream come true for the girls. I dreaded the day everyone flew back home and we were left with a (slightly) calmer house. I mean, c'mon, there's only so much calm a house with two kids two and under can be, haha! The day after the dust settled my girls were acting out. The tantrums, the blatant disobedience, the tears. Oh man, the tears. It was a tough day. I knew the following day would be better, we just had to make it there. I had to run out to the store for the essentials. Seriously, I was gone about 45 minutes. My husband held down the fort so I could go alone and soak up some peace and quiet. When I got back home he looked at me and said "you're a saint." I almost remarried him on the spot, haha! Also, I cant guarantee I won't remind him he said that anytime he questions my sanity, errrr I mean my sainthood. :-P

In all seriousness, that was such a compliment and I felt so seen. I hope that makes sense. I felt so appreciated and validated. One simple statement lifted my day and spirits so much. It made me think about how I want to start sprinkling more compliments to my husband. I want to compliment my mama friends more often too; you never know when someone may need it the most. I think making the compliments about them as women instead of just their rad momming skills is key too. What was one of the best compliments you've received lately?

P.S. You're awesome, in case no one's told you lately.


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